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Probando Microsoft SQL Server en Linux

    Hace años, nunca hubiera pensado escribir un título como ese, pero las cosas cambian y Microsoft ahora está prestando atención a otros ambientes que n...

Getting out of the maze with A star

    A local IT company (who shall remain unnamed in this post and shall be thankful for that) was offering free tickets to this year’s Campus Party ...

Trip to Las Vegas

    In the last post I wrote about my work in Las Vegas, but I did not write about two fundamental aspects: The city and its people.

IBM Interconnect 2017

    I had the opportunity to attend IBM Interconnect 2017. This was my first time attending a serious technical conference and I must say that it was an e...

Advertencia de fraudes con RetroPie

    Después del rotundo y controvertido éxito del mini NES de Nintendo, parece ser que surgió un mercado para pequeñas consolas retro. Esto realmente no e...

Massively modifying images with ImageMagick

    Web editors often have the need to edit a large number of images. For example, the large image size of professional cameras tends to be overkill for m...

Comptia Linux+ certification

    I recently completed the Comptia Linux+ certification. I spent much more time than I previously hoped on this, and because of that, I wanted to write ...

Introduction to Apache Spark

    Spark is an open source cluster computing framework widely known for being extremely fast. It was started by AMPLab at UC Berkeley in 2009. Now it is ...

Introduction to Apache Hadoop

    Hadoop is an open source project from the Apache foundation that was created thinking that hardware components in a network are prone to failure and t...

El blog ha muerto, ¡larga vida al blog!

    Desde finales del siglo pasado y durante la primera década del siglo XXI, cuando las masas aún recordaban (y usaban) acrónimos como IRC, MSN, ICQ, e i...

Viaje a NY (primera parte)

    Para no hacer la historia larga, trabajando con ex-funcionarios de la administración Carter (que fueron obligados a retirarse prematuramente por razon...

The power of the return code

    The correct handling of return values made my life as a programmer much easier. That is the whole purpose of their creation. I can write code that wil...

Python examples

    I had a lot of fun doing Python exercises for an online training course I took. Here are several of them that could be useful if somebody else is lear...

Gallup/Clifton signature themes

    Many years of research conducted by The Gallup Organization suggest that the most effective people are those who understand their strengths and behavi...

No fueron once

    A pesar de que soy un recluso mediático, y que trato deliberadamente de serlo aún más en estas fechas mundialistas, llegó a mis ojos un escándalo prot...


    Esta debió ser la primera entrada en este blog, no lo fue. Una amigo me preguntó por el nombre de este blog, y creo que la mejor manera de responderle...


A lo largo de mi vida he tenido influencias poderosas, muchas de las cuales fueron malas y sólo sirvieron como mal ejemplo. Otras fueron muy benéficas y c...

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Books read in 2024

2024 is over and I managed to read 6 books. The previous year I only read 3, so I guess I am recovering and hopefully soon I can go back to reading 12 or mor...

Books read in 2023

I only read three books on 2023 and I am surprised that I even had the energy to read something longer than a single paragraph. This year was by far the wors...

Books read in 2022

For me, 2022 was a year marked by frustration, disappointment and some really dark thoughts. However, looking back I also remember some very important achiev...

Books read in 2021

The last day of 2021 brings hope for the end of the pandemic but it also brings fear that this hope stays as a simple dream for yet another year. A couple of...

Books read in 2020

    The end of another year is here and that means I should take a moment to reflect and meditate about this year’s events. If you have read the previous yea...

Books read in 2019

This year I was very absent from this blog. I apologize for that, but I have been extremely busy with work and some personal projects.

Libros leídos en 2018

    Diría que 2018 fue probablemente el año más caótico de mi vida, pero me he dado cuenta que cada año opino lo mismo, lo cual no es buena señal. Este ca...

Libros leídos en 2017

01 – “The life-changing magic of tidying up: The japanese art of decluttering and organizing”, de Marie Kondo.

Libros leídos en el 2016

    Este 2016 fue un año bastante caótico en muchos sentidos, lo cual resultó en que no cumplí con mi meta de leer cuando menos un libro por cada mes del ...

Libros leidos en el 2014

01 – “The Unix Haters Handbook”, de Simson Garfinkel, Daniel Weise y Steven Strassmann.

Libros leidos en el 2013

01-Gray hat hacking: The ethical hackers handbook (3rd Edition), de Allen Harper, Shon Harris, Jonathan Ness y Chris Eagle.

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