Viaje a NY (primera parte)
Para no hacer la historia larga, trabajando con ex-funcionarios de la administración Carter (que fueron obligados a retirarse prematuramente por razon...
Para no hacer la historia larga, trabajando con ex-funcionarios de la administración Carter (que fueron obligados a retirarse prematuramente por razon...
I wanted to have a “main” Apache-served site with a Flask application running alongside it, but in a subdirectory. I.e. and mys...
The correct handling of return values made my life as a programmer much easier. That is the whole purpose of their creation. I can write code that wil...
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Title: The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time 3D.
01 – “The Unix Haters Handbook”, de Simson Garfinkel, Daniel Weise y Steven Strassmann.
In the past, education was only available to a select few. Even fewer had the means and the interest in completing a formal education. Since Plato fou...
For the first time in history, mankind has the means and tools to collaborate globally and instantly in any challenge we decide to tackle. However, th...
In order to modify the resources of a Cloud server, you need to do the following: In this example we will add disk space to an AIX cloud...
I had a lot of fun doing Python exercises for an online training course I took. Here are several of them that could be useful if somebody else is lear...
Hace poco tomé una decisión importante en cuanto a la dirección de mi carrera.
Many years of research conducted by The Gallup Organization suggest that the most effective people are those who understand their strengths and behavi...
Sometimes, when you try to run IBM Installation Manager (IM), you may get an error like this:
A pesar de que soy un recluso mediático, y que trato deliberadamente de serlo aún más en estas fechas mundialistas, llegó a mis ojos un escándalo prot...